The exam season is here and all the students must be in chaos right now. The bigger dilemma of preparing for our exams is that we cant make a proper study plan and schedule our study hours. The key to success in any exam is to be consisted with our study hours and we can only do that if we have a strong study plan!
But how can we make a study plan for ourself? Well to save you from the trouble of making a study plan for yourself we have picked up the best study planner apps which will help you to make a study plan!
Contents, pub-1852571378713163, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- 1 Study Schedule Planner Apps
- 1.1 1. Todait – smart study planner Android / iOS
- 1.2 2. My study life – school planner Android / iOS
- 1.3 3. Smart study plan Android
- 1.4 4. Easy study – your schedule, plan for school Android / iOS
- 1.5 5. Study planner Android
- 1.6 6. SQA My study plan Android / iOS
- 1.7 7. Study planner app – organize, remember and track Android
- 1.8 8. Schedule and homework planner – weeklie Android
- 1.9 9. My classes – Timetable and study manager Android
- 1.10 10. Focushub – study timer, day planner, and focus timer Android
- 1.11 Conclusion
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Study Schedule Planner Apps

1. Todait – smart study planner Android / iOS
Today is a must-have for every student as it helps you in your exam preparation by managing your time. Be always productive with this top study planner app for android. With todait, you will be able to utilize your 100 % time and it will actually help you in making better study schedule plans which you couldn’t do yourself.If you have a vast syllabus to cover and you are just hopeless about where you start your studies then this app is just the right choice for you. It will help you to be consistent with your studies and ace your exams.It will automatically distribute your study hours according to your syllabus and sets a goal for each day! It will always remind you whether you are ahead or behind your schedule. Know your strengths and capacity to study with its inbuilt stopwatch so that you can know your pace. There is so much more which will help you progress with each day and each passing week and month so that you can be fully prepared for your exam. That is why we have picked this best study planner app for the first spot on our list!
2. My study life – school planner Android / iOS
This study planner app is for those who wanna take control of their class, homework, and exams throughout the year. My study life has millions of downloads and they have appreciated it. The app will oversee all the aspects of your student life, it will manage your class time, your schedule and most importantly it will provide you time for revision.It’s really organized and gets you everything g in one place like, all of your classes and weekly test with their study plans. You can all find it a very beautifully designed layout. Above all users love it for it’s easy to use feature. Track your tasks with your exams and know how much more you have to do in a specific time. You will find all this for free. And that is why you should have this study schedule planner app on your phone.
3. Smart study plan Android
Smart study application has won an award for innovative application and it’s is undoubtedly the best study planner app 2021. You can easily add the course which you are studying and it will help you to complete all the subjects before your exams.Smart Study planner will create a weekly goal for you and give you tasks according to your time availability. You will just have to add your course and give your available and convenient time to study and that’s it, job here done and application will create a smart study plan for you. It’s simple and we’ll organized study schedule planner and you can definitely take its help during exams.
4. Easy study – your schedule, plan for school Android / iOS
This app works on your command, it will be your study time and your convenience and before you know it you will have a solid schedule plan for your studies. It’s easy to use and can be very helpful. All you have to do is add the subjects which you wish to study in the next week and see if the provided plan fits you.They basically provide a study cycle and you will be able to give time for all of your subjects. You can easily get the track of your studies and it will give you a brief idea of how much you have progressed. It also provides a summary of your study day. This is a light weighted app and doesn’t keep much space on your phone and it’s easy to understand too.
5. Study planner Android
Another study planner app for android with similar name but different in functions. It is developed to make every student’s life easier. Much of a student’s time goes into planning the classes and this app comes in handy in this area. You can easily organize all your classes and make your study plan according to it. You can easily track your classes via this app.Apart from managing your classes this app also helps your exam schedules by preparing a suitable study plan for you. It will tell you how much you have achieved so that you feel motivated to do more and more until you succeed. It’s an amazing app to have if you want some assistance with your study planning.
6. SQA My study plan Android / iOS
Are you one of those people who want to study at their own pace but terrible at planning it? Well, we have come up with the best study schedule app for you, which will get you a personalized study plan which works for you. The idea behind this app is to provide you with a plan that suits and that can actually help you without stressing you out.Easily add your subjects and exams and even prioritize the subjects you have to work on the most. You can easily print the schedule and keep it with you for a better impression. We are sure this study planner app is something that you will definitely find helpful!
7. Study planner app – organize, remember and track Android
This one is definitely among the best study planner app for android and the reason why you should have it is because it will make you more organized and help you to become consistent with your studies.This app is not only helpful for exams but will also help you to complete your projects and assignments. The app has a very intuitive and easy to use interface which makes it one of the best study schedule planner app 2021.
8. Schedule and homework planner – weeklie Android
Schedule and homework planner is definitely a must-have study planner app for Android. You can manage almost everything with this app, be it the exams, your classes or even your assignments, you can do all of this in just one place.This app has become a priority for all the college and school students and thousands of students are already using the app across the world. You can make a widget of the app and place it at the home screen so that you are always aware of your study schedule.
9. My classes – Timetable and study manager Android
The app goes perfectly with its name where you can have your perfectly designed schedule for the whole week (including Sunday). You can set your timetable for weekly, bi-weekly or on a monthly basis. It supports multiple timetables, so you can make different timetables for every subject.You can easily customize the timetables and to make them fit better according to your needs. You can easily note a homework or assignment which you have to do within a specific time period and it will provide you with a plan to complete your tasks.
10. Focushub – study timer, day planner, and focus timer Android
This study schedule planner app is here to make your student life easier and that is why we have mentioned in our list.This provides a suitable timetable according to your needs.
So here our best study planner apps for Android and ios list ends and we hope you will find your exam buddy among them!