Jesse Stone is one of the most popular characters and he has won many hearts. The Jesse Stone is a book series that has been written by Robert B. Parker. The series started in 1997 with the debuted book Night Passage in series. There are a total of 20 books in the series.
Until 2010, all the Jesse Stone books were written by Robert. B Parker. After that, his work was carried forward by Reed Farrel Coleman and Micheal Brandman.
About the Series:
The series is based on Jesse Stone, of course, who is a former minor league baseball player but his career came to end after a shoulder injury. After the incident, he decided to change his career and he started to work as a cop. Jesse Stone now world as an LAPD homicide detective.
This wasn’t easy for him either and he faced a lot of problems as well. Despite all that, he is a good detective and solves murder mysteries and some of the most thrilling investigations. He is one of the smartest people you would ever meet.
He finally settled down as a Police Chief in the small town of Paradise, Massachusetts because of a corrupt mayor who thought he would be easy to control. Guess what, he is not!!
As he has said earlier there are 20 books in the series so far and you would enjoy the adventures and crime investigations done by Jesse Stone!
Although all of the books in the Jesse Stone series can be read as a standalone because each book features a different case or mission for the detective. But somehow it would be beneficial if you read the series in its chronological order as you can get a good idea about the story-line for characters and their character development. So here are the Jesse Stone books in order!
Contents, pub-1852571378713163, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- 1 Jesse Stone Books In Order
- 1.1 1. Night Passage
- 1.2 2. Trouble in Paradise
- 1.3 3. Death in Paradise
- 1.4 4. Stone Cold
- 1.5 5. Sea Change
- 1.6 6. High Profile
- 1.7 7. Stranger in Paradise
- 1.8 8. Night and Day
- 1.9 9. Split Image
- 1.10 10. Robert B. Parker’s Killing the Blue
- 1.11 11. Robert B. Parker’s Fool Me Twice
- 1.12 12. Robert B. Parker’s Damned If You Do
- 1.13 13. Robert B. Parker’s Blind Spot
- 1.14 14. Robert B. Parker’s The Devil Wins
- 1.15 15. Robert B. Parker’s Debt to Pay
- 1.16 Conclusion:
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Jesse Stone Books In Order
1. Night Passage
Night Passage is the first book in the Jesse Stone book series. The book was published in 1997. The book introduces us to the character of Jesse Stone. His former life and baseball career then how he worked for LAPD and how he landed a job as Police Chief in Paradise, Massachusetts. After getting a job in Paradise, he is wondering if it is a golden chance for him or its a trouble disguised in an opportunity.He knows his brain is working more than it needs to be and he should not just overthink about this opportunity and start over. But one thing is clear, Jesse isn’t the one who invites trouble but it’s the trouble that lures Jesse. What kind of trouble awaiting him in the very first book and will he prove himself worthy of this opportunity?Just give the book a quick read and you would be certainly a fan of Robert. B Parker’s writing style as well as with the character of Jesse!
2. Trouble in Paradise
The next Jesse Stone book in order is Trouble in Paradise. The name does justice to the book as Jesse Stone finds himself surrounded by troubles, not one, not two but three troubles awaiting him in this book. On one hand, Jesse is dealing with his ex-wife, Jenn who is behind the bars in a prison in Massachusetts in an assault case. The timing couldn’t be wrong as he just started dating a Massachusetts realtor Marcy Campbell and there is another woman for whom Jesse has some feeling.On the other hand, James Macklin sees an opportunity to invest in Stiles, a wealthy island. But his intentions are far from pure and he may jeopardize so many things in his greed. Marcy and Abby both are in danger and Jesse must do something to save them both and make sure everything goes back to normal.The book is filled with thrill and mysteries and you would always be wondering what will happen next.
3. Death in Paradise
Jesse Stone finally got time to enjoy a good baseball game with his friends and a beer to chill out. But as always he finds himself wrapped in a new case in town. Just when the game is ended, his teammates find a body of a girl floating in a nearby lake.The first thing Jesse needs to do is to identify the girl and figure out who she is, only then he can move forward and find the killer. As the story goes forward and things begin to unfold, he finds out about a troubling life of the teenage girl and a series of suspects. From her parents to the principal, everyone seems to have a reason and a motive to kill this teenage girl.The story has just begun and it already looks so complicated, will Jesse managed to catch the killer or this one is just too smart?
4. Stone Cold
Stone Cold is the fourth book in the series. And this one would test the smartness and the detective skills of Jess Stone like never before.Jesse Stone is finding dead bodies one after another. It feels like a serial killer or a lunatic is in the town. But the only problem is there is no clue that can lead this investigation forward. A state of panic has been created in the town when people are found dead while walking their dogs or shopping for their groceries. Anyone can drop dead anytime and there is nothing Jesse can do except to capture the killer. Everyone is tensed and figuring out who can be the next victim or the killer is gone for a killing spree without any reason?The already tensed state worsens when the media and people of the town blaming Jesse Stone for not solving the case in time. The pressure is just too much and it would make things worse. Jesse is drinking and spending time with his ex-wife, neither of which seems to help him with the case. Will he able to find a clue or it will just be another unsolved case?
5. Sea Change
Next in the Jesse Stone book series is Sea Change and which was published in 2006. Jesse Stone has been called in when a woman’s partially decomposed body has been found around the shore in Massachusetts. It didn’t take Jesse to realize that this case is much more difficult than it appears and that might be the biggest case of his career. Firstly Jess has to identify the women. Her name is Florance Horvath and she was an heiress of Florida. She was a very attractive woman and got recently divorced. She has some wild interests and she liked to videotape some or wild interests of her as well. The combination of two didn’t go well and looks like it was the reason why she got killed in the first place.Jesse knew its not going to a simple case from the start but what he didn’t know we were that it may put him in danger as well.
6. High Profile
High Profile is the sixth book in the Jesse Stone series and it was published in 2007. Jesse Stone has been assigned a high-profile case. A very controversial talk show host, Walton Weeks has been murdered. His body has been found hanging on a tree on the outskirts of Paradise. The whole case has been highlighted by the media and everyone is talking about that. The narrow-minded colleagues of Jesse Stone and the media are not making things easier for Jesse.Just when Jesse is trying to find a way to deal with this murder case, another body of a young woman is found dead too and the whole thing got out of hand. Are these two murder cases related to each other or is it just a coincidence? The mystery only deepens and Jesse must do something as quick as possible to solve the case because the pressure is growing and he doesn’t want any more trouble than he already got.
7. Stranger in Paradise
The Crow is in town! No, we are not talking about the bird, but it’s an Apache Hitman! He is not a new face as Jesse has dealt with this man a long time ago and he is not really a friend to him either. He was once caught when raiding the bank and he took a woman as his hostage, as well. Although he released the woman because he has a moral code not to kill a woman.The question is why is Crow in town? Why he is seeing Jesse? Should Jesse be alarmed? What is going to be his next move? There are too many questions there that raise and we will get every answer to the questions and it will leave us shocked!
8. Night and Day
This time, Jesse has been called to a junior high school. The school’s principal, Ingersoll has inspected every girl’s undergarment and Jesse wants nothing but to see Ingersoll getting punished for what has done but her powerful husband stands in way. On the other hand, a lunatic is on the loose. He puts girls at gunpoint and asks them to strip. He doesn’t stop here but also photographs them while they are most vulnerable.Jesse has to do coming about it soon because no women are feeling safe in town.
9. Split Image
Jesse is hitting a new level of lowest in his life. A troubled relationship with his ex-wife and his alcohol addiction his making him mad. He knows he would go mad soon if he didn’t stop and took control of his life.Just when he was about to give up everything, a private investigator, Sunny Randall comes into his life. She wants his help with a case and soon they both realize they have so much in common. Will Jesse overcome his state of mind and will be able to solve the cases as he used to do it always? Will Sunny brought a change in Jesse’s life for good?
10. Robert B. Parker’s Killing the Blue
It is the first book written by Micheal Brandman after the death of Robert B. Parker and it was published in 2011.The case started with stolen care in Massachusetts as a gang of thieves seems to be active in town. But as soon as Jesse unfolds the case it becomes even bigger and Jesse knows this is going to be a bigger case than he has imagined. Murders and some dangerous people get involved in the case and Jesse must put an end to all this before it’s too late.
11. Robert B. Parker’s Fool Me Twice
Autumn is always nice in Massachusetts and this time a Hollywood film shooting is also taking place in the town. It brought’s down a huge cast, crew, and a troubled star, Marisol Hilton. She is beautiful, attractive, and very talented. But she has been receiving death threats and that’s when Jesse comes into the picture to investigate the case.The case becomes even bigger when a teenager rash driver, political repression, DA, and people with deep pockets is involved! Jesse’s reputation is on the line and he must stop the murder and keep everyone safe.
12. Robert B. Parker’s Damned If You Do
A young woman was found dead in the room of a motel. Jesse has been called in to investigate the matter. Her identity is unknown but Jesse managed to lead the investigation. Somehow two pumps got involved and look like they have something to do with her. Jesse knows that there would be more blood spilled if he didn’t solve the case in the first place.
13. Robert B. Parker’s Blind Spot
This is the next book in the Jesse Stone series and it is written by Reed Farrel Coleman. Jesse is investigating a murder of a young woman and her boyfriend, son of town’s most elite family, has been kidnapped. The case is not the trouble for Jesse, it’s the suspects that have shocked him. One of the old friends of Jesse Stone seems to have a connection with this case. What will he do?
14. Robert B. Parker’s The Devil Wins
Paradise is witnessing a huge storm. But that’s not the trouble for the town. Three bodies have been discovered amid the storm and Jesse is forced to work in this weather. One body has been found with a blue wrap, the person has been used for few hours. However, two teenage girls’ skeleton has been also found and they are more than twenty-five years old. Will Jesse be able to solve this case?
15. Robert B. Parker’s Debt to Pay
A crime boss from Boston has been brutally murdered. Jesse is suspecting it’s the work of Mr. Peepers, who is a psychotic assassin. Jesse has no evidence against him and he must believe in his gut feelings.
So these are the Jesse Stone books in the order that you were looking for. We hope you got everything you have been looking for and now you can enjoy the Jesse Stone books in order. It’s going to be an exciting crime novel and you won’t regret giving it your time and money!