It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Snapchat is becoming one of the most popular social media platforms with each passing day. It proves the fact that this platform has more than 230 active users across the globe. So it’s natural that some of us are also addicted to Snapchat and we love using it. After all, it’s a great way to keep up with your friends and know what’s going on in their lives and vice versa. So if something happens to our Snapchat account or the app we would naturally be anxious and would want to fix it as soon as possible right.
Well, most of the people do complain that their Snapchat stopped working out of nowhere and this has led to a lot of anxiety among the users. Although it does get fixed over time you would not waste waiting for that long, do you? Yes, there are some ways through which you can fix your Snapchat not working. And if you want to know that, you have come to a nice place.
Here, we are going to list down some of the ways through which you can fix your Snapchat not working, go ahead and have a look.
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How To Fix Snapchat Not Working
1. Clear Cache
One of the first things that you can do to make your Snapchat work again is to clear the cache. This has proven very helpful for many users and they told us that their Snapchat started working after clearing the cache as well. To do this, you will have to do the following steps:
Open Settings on your phone Go to apps and notifications Click on storage and then on clear cacheThe cache will be cleared and it might start working again.
2. Update your phone
One of the most popular reasons why any app stops working on your phone is that you haven’t updated it in a while. So if that is the reason, you might want to update your phone.Just check for the updates and if there is any update available then update it. You can then see if your Snapchat started working or not.
3. Check your network
You should also see if your network is working properly or not because it can also be the reason your Snapchat might not be working. Some of the things that can affect the working of Snapchat are poor network connection, network signal outrage, low internet data, etc.You can turn off your phone and then turn it on again to speed up the internet connection and if you are using the WiFi, you can do that to your WiFi router as well.
4. Update Snapchat app
If you haven’t updated your Snapchat app in a long time then this can also be the reason why it is not working. You can check in the app store of your phone if there is any update available for Snapchat. If there is, then you should update it as soon as possible.
5. Low Storage Space
Another one of the reasons why your Snapchat may not be working would be the low storage space on your phone, this can also affect the working of other apps as well. To ensure the smooth working of your phone and apps, you need to fix the storage issue if there is any. Clear the cache or unnecessary data on your phone and see if that can help with Snapchat issues.
6. Enter Safe Mode
You would also want to try out the whole safe mode stuff if you are trying to fix your Snapchat. This can certainly affect the working of a few apps on your phone including Snapchat.Although, entering the safe mode varies from one phone model to another but the general route is to first switch off your phone. Then press & hold the Power button until the smartphone boots and shows the brand’s logo. After this, you need to press the Volume Down button. When you see the safe mode in a part of your screen, release the button.To get out of the safe mode, just turn off the phone and start it again.
7. Reinstall it
Reinstalling also helps with the fixing of Snapchat not working. You will need to Uninstall the Snapchat app first and then reinstall it from the app store of your phone. This might help you get your app started. Just log in to your account and see if it is working again.
8. See if Snapchat is down
One another thing that can be a reason for Snapchat not working is if it’s down for anyone. So before panicking, you might want to check if everyone’s Snapchat is working fine or not. You can either look up Google and check the news, or you can also use the down detector to know if it’s down.
9. See if your Snapchat account is locked
One of the popular reasons why some people find their Snapchat not working is when their account has been locked. There are plenty of reasons why your Snapchat account would be locked. Some of this includes tweaking, using third-party mobile apps, plugins, and so on.Contact Snapchat, if that is the case and they meet and require you to give some information regarding the whole locked-up account thing. Then you will have to follow their instructions to get your account back.
10. Reset System
If Snapchat doesn’t start working after doing everything then you might have to reset the system. This would be done by following these steps, have a look:
Open settings Find and select System Click on Reset options Now reset all system settingsThis might help with the fixing of Snapchat.
11. Hardware Issue
If nothing else has worked for you from our list, this might be because of some hardware issues. If that is the case then you will need to see a technician. Find the right technician before you hand in your phone. You should also make sure if there is a hardware issue or not. If there is, the technician might help you and fix your Snapchat not working and you will be good to go.
So these are some of the best ways to fix Snapchat not working. Most of the users who complained about terrible Snapchat not working found these techniques helpful. So you can try these aforementioned ways and fix your Snapchat not working, one of them would definitely work.That would be all for now and we hope that you got everything that you have been looking for and found this article helpful. Thank you.