Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, in fact, it might be the very first social media platform we ever use. With each passing day, the popularity of Facebook is growing and millions of new users connect to this platform every month. This is why it is safe to say that we all have a Facebook account.
There are so many things that we can do. Connecting with your friends and keeping in touch with them has never been easy as it is with Facebook. You can look up their newsreel, share your photos, and tag people in it, and you can also talk to them via the messages too.
But sometimes, we lost our Facebook data and in particular, the messages by accidentally deleting the entire conversation. This would be hard for anyone who has a special conversation with a person they like or someone who is important to.
If you have been there then you are not all. We all are guilty of deleting things and regretting them later. While some of them may recover, the others won’t be that easy on you. Facebook messages are one of them. Although there might not be a way to fully recover your deleted messages, there are a few ways through which you can get a copy of the messages or find the whole conversation.
In this article, we are going to share some ways on how you can recover the deleted messages on Facebook. Have a look at the following ways and we have also shared some ways to prevent this from happening again.
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How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages
1. Check Your Archived Messages
One of the first ways to get the messages on Facebook that you thought got deleted is to look up the archived messages. For this, you would need to use the messenger app.If you accidentally hid or archived the conversation, you can easily restore them.To restore an archived conversation, you will have to go to the search bar and type the name of the person whose conversation you have lost. Once you have typed the name, the conversation would come up and you can select it. After that, you can restore the conversation to the recent chats. Or you can just simply send them a text and the conversation would be in your regular inbox.This method would work if you have accidentally hidden the conversation in the hidden section (earlier known as the archived section).
2. As the recipient for a copy of the messages
One of the other ways through which you can get your messages back is to simply ask the recipient to send a copy of those messages.Because even if you have deleted your side of the conversation, the conversation in their inbox would be safe and secured. You can ask for a copy of the messages or you can ask them to take a screenshot and send it back to you.The recipient can download the copy of the messages and send the downloaded file to you as well.This would only work if they haven’t deleted the conversation either.
3. Check your backup
If you have ever used the Facebook backing up then you may have a way to recover the conversation. Even if you think you have never backed up your Facebook data, it would be helpful if you just check the backup and see what you find there.There is a feature called ‘download your information’ on Facebook. If you have used this feature then you may find the deleted conversion in the downloaded files. That would be a zip file under your name and if you unzip it, you would be able to find the messages under the ‘messages’ section.Double-check the file and recover the messages from it.
4. Check your email
This would only work if you have enabled the email notifications for your account. If you have enabled the email notifications then you would be able to search the conversation and recover your messages in your email account.
How to Back up Your Facebook Messages?
One of the reasons that you can’t find the lost conversations or messages is that you haven’t backed up your Facebook messages. So to prevent this from happening in the future, you must back up your messages ASAP.So here are some ways through which you can backup your messages.
1. Set up backup to email function
One of the best ways to backup your Facebook messages is to set up a backup to email function.To do this, you will have to go to the Facebook settings, using a desktop version. Scroll through the notification tab and clicking on the “Email” section to expand it.Now select the first option, which says, “All Notifications Expect the Ones You Turn Off”.Once you have done that, you would be able to recover the messages from your email, in case you delete the conversation.
2. Download your messages to your computer
One of the other ways to get the backup of the Facebook messages is to download your messages to your computer.Here you will have to use the desktop version, and go to the settings. Now you will go to the “Your Facebook Information” tab and then click on the “Download Your Information Tab”To only get your messages, click “deselect all” and then recheck the “messages” section. Next, you will have to click on “create a file”. You will receive an email once it’s ready for viewing.This would help you to have your messages on your computer and you can always find what you have been looking for.
It is going to be difficult to lose a conversation that features some important messages. So it is always better that you take a backup of your messages so you never face such situations in the future.That would be all for now and we hope that you found this article helpful. We hope you would be able to recover the messages via the aforementioned ways and do not forget to take a backup of your Facebook messages either.