Brené Brown is a popular American author and she has chosen the themes of compassion, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness for her books. Her choice of bold themes, as well as the excellent and intuitive writings, has made her the New York Times bestseller author and five of her books have appeared in the New York Times bestselling books!
Brene Brown is not only an author, but she is also a motivational speaker, podcast host, and a research professor at Houston University. For more than two decades, she has devoted herself to the studies of courage, vulnerability, shame, and compassion. She has also appeared for the TED Talks and her TED Talk episode counted among the five most-viewed episodes of TED Talk in history. Not only this a documentary of her has also appeared on Netflix.
She has written many books in her career and here we are reviewing some of the best Brene Brown books for you, so that you can pick up the best one for yourself to read. Let’s not waste anymore of your time and start the list of best Brené Brown books!
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Brene Brown books
1. Daring Greatly
Daring Greatly is undoubtedly one of the best books by Brené Brown that you should not miss out on. The book teaches about the concept of courage and vulnerability and how these two can change our lives.The book tells us how we are afraid of the change in our lives and how we feel guilty, uncertain, exposed, and vulnerable when there is the slightest change in our lives. Dr. Brené challenges us to change our perception of vulnerability and how we think of vulnerability as a weakness. The book is a collection of 12 years of research on the subject of Vulnerability, where she has described the vulnerability as daring, which is great and a way to live and lead our lives.
2. I Thought It Was Just Me
I Thought It Was Just Me is the book that every woman should read at least once in her life. The book starts with the traditional folklore of Sleeping Beauty but the author decided to introduce a twist in the story with a modern take.Here the books talk about the sexual desires of a woman and how these feelings are important in her life. A woman should be able to feel and desire everything and not feel shame about it. The author also talks about the important feelings and ideas that connect the dots in our life and how important it is to express them.It’s a must-read book for everyone, even the men as it beautifully illustrates everything that a woman desires, even though they don’t express it openly.
3. The Gifts of Imperfection
The Gifts of Imperfections is one of the best Brené Books that you will read and it’s also one of the must-read books that you shouldn’t miss out on.No matter how confident we are, there are times when we just couldn’t get over our so-called imperfections, whether they are about our body or in life. But we never realize that these imperfections might be our greatest gifts in our life and without them, we would not be ourselves!The book may feel like a memoir, as Brené Brown tells us stories about her own life and analyze them in a way that feels relatable to everyone. Brown tells its readers that we are enough for each other and we are perfect even with our imperfections. It’s a self-help book that helps us to find hope and be confident about ourselves.
4. Rising Strong
Rising Strong is also known as one of the most popular novels by Brené Brown. Just like any other novel, this one too features the research that has been done for years and Brené has present it in an entertaining yet inspiring way so that each reader can get help from this book.The book is an inspiring story of getting hurt then picking up yourself again. Our ability to regain our strength amid all the struggles and stand again. It’s the test of our courage as we have to face our fears and remorse.The author has featured several stories that are relatable and we learn about self-improvement and taking actions even when everything is falling apart and we are at our lowest. This book is also counted as one of the best self-improvement books.
5. Braving the Wilderness
Braving the Wilderness has received love from all over the world and it was also on the #1 New York Times Bestseller. Here too Brown starts with her own experience of feeling alone, self-destructive, insecure, and vulnerable, but later own she tells us how to cope up with these feelings in a healthy way.Brown, in her signature writing style, has remained as honest and truthful as you have expected her to be. She has done some amazing work by describing the moments when we don’t feel belonging to our community and culture.This book gives a direction to every person on how to be courageous and be able to love and live as we aspire and desire.
6. Dare to Lead
Dare to Lead is another best Brené Brown book that you should not miss out on. The book was released in 2018 and it is one of the latest addition to the Brené Brown collection and this one too comes from the Self Help or Self Improvement genre.This book, as its name suggests, is about leading abilities and how people can develop this trait in their personality. Brown has interviewed some of the world’s most renowned leaders and her own introspection with years of research and studies on this subject.Leadership is a new subject for Brown but still, she has down an amazing job by describing what a leader is supposed to be like. The striking insightful content makes it even better and people have appreciated the author’s efforts of describing the leadership qualities and breaking the stereotypes about leadership.If you are in a position to lead and need even a little bit of help in this area then this book is best to pick for you.
7. The Power of Vulnerability
The power of Vulnerability is another top Brené Brown Book that talks about the subject of Vulnerability.The author yet aging explores the stereotype of vulnerability being a sign of weakness when it can just be a sign of power and daring. Vulnerability is often associated with the emotions of shame, fear, and uncertainty. But people often forget that our vulnerability also means that we can feel joy, belongingness, authenticity, and creativity. It’s just upon ourselves, how we look at vulnerability, and how we decide to use it in our lives. The book makes us feel again and tell us that it’s okay to be vulnerable and make sure that you never take it as a negative feeling.The book is also available as an audio lecture and people have really liked it, so you can also try that as well.
8. Men, Women, and Worthiness
The book, Men, Women, and Worthiness highlights the feeling of being men and women and what’s it’s like to feel shame as a man and as a woman. It tells us that no matter if it’s a man, woman, or child, everyone in this world needs love and wants to feel belonging.The book teaches us the lesson of self-worth and how it’s different or similar for men and women.The book is based on the 12 years of research by Dr. Brown on the subject is shame and how it affects different gender. The book is short but to the point and excellently written. This book is also available in audio format.
9. Women and Shame
Women and Shame is also a top Brené Brown book that you should read sometime. The book is written for women and describes the shame that they suffer daily.Brené Brown tells us the complicated shame feeling and how it affects modern women and their life.The author has interviewed over 200 women and asks them about the shame they feel and how that shame influences their lives. She has inserted her year’s of research and her insights on this topic and decided to help women to overcome shame. Dr. Brown has suggested to turn our shame into power, freedom, and connection and live our life on our terms.It’s an amazing self-help and improvement book for women, which has been recognized across the plant for its powerful message and beautiful narration of the sensitive feelings and insecurities of a woman.
So these are the best Brené Brown Books that you can read. Although every book of hers is worth your time and money because they all teach us to be a better version of ourselves and talks about the topics of compassion and vulnerability. Her self-help books are pretty good to read and you should not miss out on Brené Brown books. Her books are also available in audio formats which are pretty popular and feel like a motivational speech, so you can try them as well.Thank you for visiting our page and we hope the aforementioned list of best Brené Brown books is helpful for you. Now go ahead and pick your favorite books from the list of best Brené Brown books.