Top 11 Best Parenting Books To Read 2023

Being a parent is scary! It doesn’t matter whether you are expecting your first child or you already are a parent of 3, being a parent is a never-ending process that you will have to keep doing and learning as well. We do know that no one is perfect but at the same time we do expect our parents to be perfect and never make mistakes, this is where the trouble starts. Whether your kid is a toddler, teen, or even a full-grown adult, you can always take some help with being a better parent (as you are trying to do your best, you can get some help too).
One of the things that can help you the most with being a good parent is to read and develop self-awareness along with a better understanding of being a parent. This is where the parenting books come into the picture. The parenting books have proven to be very helpful for parents across the world and they would certainly help you to get good at parenting or develop a few things that would help you have a healthy relationship with your kids.
A lot of therapists and experts have recommended the parents read the parenting books as they have proven to be very helpful. If you start looking for a parenting book you would find thousands of books written on parenting, but are they all good enough for you? Well, that is the part where you need our help.
See finding a parenting book is not the hard part, finding the best one is! So how can you decide which parenting book you should read and which you shouldn’t? Well, that is why we are here! We are here to save you from the trouble of going through hundreds of parenting books and then finding the best one for yourself.
In this article, we have listed down the 11 best-rated parenting books that you can find, so let’s move ahead and take a look at the following books so that you might find the best for yourself too.

Best Parenting Books

1. The Explosive Child

Best Parenting Books
One of the first parenting books that popped into our mind is the Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene Ph.D.
The author is a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the treatment of kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. He has worked with thousands of explosive children, so he knows their behavior and how to handle these children with love and respect. The author has stated that explosive children are not attention-seeking or manipulative, rather they struggle with adaptability issues, frustration tolerance, and problem-solving. And this is why they require a different approach than other kids or the approach that generally parents adapt for this kind of behavior.
This book contains a groundbreaking approach to understanding and parenting an explosive child. The ones that frequently get angry and frustrated, and end up crying, swearing, kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, destroying property, and even worse.
The book starts with a definition of explosive kids and why they are like this. This would help parents to help their kids better and how to handle them as well. The author has done extensive research on this topic and dealt with neuroscience. The punishment thing won’t work with them and you will need new approaches here, which are listed in the book.
The book has been highly rated and many parents have found this helpful as well. If you, too, have an explosive child then this one is the best parenting book that you can buy.

2. Positive Discipline

Best Parenting Books

Our next book is for those parents who are struggling with lacking self-discipline in their child. As a parent, we all want our children to have some kind of self-discipline and responsibility. They should know how to stay disciplined and take responsibilities, although it is not easy to teach them and that is where most of the parents struggle as well. This is where this book helps you with and make sure the parents know a thing or two about teaching their kids self-discipline and taking responsibility along with problem-solving skills.
The book has been written by Jane Nelsen, who is a psychologist, educator, and mother of seven. She has written this book to help young parents to know how to work with kids and show mutual respect and get them to develop self-discipline on their own. Whether you are a parent of a toddler or have a rebellious teenager, this book would certainly help you.
The book would teach you how to bridge the communication gap, defuse power struggle, avoid dangers of praise, enforce your message of love, build on strengths and not weaknesses, hold children accountable for self-respect intact, and many more. All these advice and tips are adapted by the author as well and she would certainly help you too.
There are tons of things that would help you with this book and you would certainly like them as well. This book not only helps you to understand your children but also yourself so that you can be a good parent and know what to do and say when your kid doesn’t act right.
Overall, this top-rated parenting book has been appreciated by many parents across the world and also by many therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists as well. So give it a try if you are having trouble with teaching your kid to have self-discipline.

3. The Whole-Brain Child

Top Parenting Books
Another one of the books that have made it to our list of best parenting books list is The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne. The name of the book says it all, sometimes we, as parents, struggle to understand what is going on in our child’s mind. It is important to know what they think and how they think to finally understand them. Because of can’t understand our child then it would be hard to teach them anything or make them understand the basic things.
The author has taken a revolutionary approach to child-rearing. They have mentioned 12 key strategies to foster a healthy brain and to nurture your child’s brain with positivity and the right emotions. The book features 12 age-appropriate strategies so you can help your child no matter how old they are. If you apply these strategies, you might be able to turn any outburst, argument, or fear into a chance to integrate your child with the right emotions.
It would help you to cope up with the day-to-day struggle with your child and Nurture their mind with positive feelings and emotions. Ultimately this would help your child to live balanced, meaningful, and connected lives.
So do try out this outstanding parenting book as it might be a game-changer for you and your child.

4. The Conscious Parent

Parenting Books Best
One of the greatest mistakes done by parents all around the world is to just expect from their children. Parents often think that they only have to work on their child to become a better human and to teach them several things like self-discipline, responsibility, problem-solving, and overall how to act right. They often forget that they are the biggest part of their lives and they are the ones that would ultimately influence the kids. So before teaching your children to act right and you have to develop some kind of self-awareness and self-consciousness.
You don’t want to be the kind of parents that pass on their psychological pain and shallowness to your kids and make them suffer for the things that don’t deserve. The author suggests that the children generally serve as the mirror of their parent’s forgotten selves. This is why it is important for parents to finally look in the mirror and have some kind of self-awareness so that they can also act right for their children. Parents should shift from the ‘know it all’ approach for their children and develop healthy communication. This would help them to resolve the ego issues of parents and help their child to have a state of presence.
The author has worked with verse demography so she has a global appeal, this is why this book makes the best parenting books for all parents across the globe.

5. Siblings Without Rivalry

Parenting Best Books
Another one of the parenting books that has made a place for itself in our list of best parenting books is the Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.
Having multiple kids is always a struggle and there no siblings that do not fight or argue, or drive their parents crazy with the blame game. It’s almost the worst nightmare to have children that always fight with each other and you can’t leave them for a second. This can be bigger trouble than most of us realize and it is very important that your children would go along with each other as well.
This is where this book comes into the picture and parents with multiple kids can take help from this book. The author has already written many best-selling books on parenting and psychology, so he knows what is doing and readers also have appreciated his approach to the rivalry of the siblings. This book helps parents to tackle the conflict faced by their children, encourage corporation, and reduce competition as well. The book would help you to make peace with both your children so that there is no rivalry and competition. This would help your children to be at peace with each other and have a balanced life.
The authors have provided strategies where you can learn how to channel their hostility towards each other into creative outlets and demonstrate how to be fair with your kids. It would be helpful to develop a healthy friendship among the children.
Lastly, the book might be a must-read parenting book for the parents of multiple kids. You will find it pretty helpful and it might help your children to get along with their siblings without any rivalry and negative emotions for each other.

6. The Gift Of Failure

Parenting Books To Read
The Gift Of Failure is another one of the top-rated parenting books that you must read. The book has been written by Jessica Lahey, who mostly writes about parenting, education, and child welfare. This book is ideal for the parents of school-going kids. This is the age where they start to face disappointment and frustrations because of the failures. The parents have to make their children feel okay about their failure too and let that thing go.
As a parent, you would want your kid to be the best but that is unrealistic and it can also harm your children in many ways as well. So to help them grow and figure out how to deal with the inevitable emotions and pain, you need to learn how to let go so you can also teach your children that.
The author talks about overparenting and how modern parents are trying too hard to save their children from facing failure and disappointment. This can ruin your child’s confidence and also undermine their education. This would also discourage children to solve their problems on their own.
It is beautifully written and yes author has done a good job to teach parents how to let go and deal with their child’s failure so that they can grow too.

7. Parenting Apart

All Time Best Parenting Books
Parenting Apart is the book that every Separated couple should read. Divorce affects a child more than the couple and sometimes the parents don’t even realize this. It is important that your child feels safe and secure and have the love of both their parents.
Co-parenting can be hard especially if you are not that good terms with your ex and this can affect your child severely as well. So this book teaches how to be easy on your child and how to make them feel secure and happy during this whole change. The hook involves many things from how to tell your child about the divorce to how to manage the difficult relationship with your ex as well.

8. No More Mean Girls

Best Parenting Books Of All Time
Sadly we still live in a world where the girls have to be extra confident, extra strong, and extra compassionate to make their mark. This might cause you to worry if you are a parent of a girl child. Well, this book is exactly for parents like you who are raising girls.
This book teaches you how to raise your girl to become a strong, confident, and compassionate girl. You will also find chapters that deal with the insecurity of the girls and how they can sometimes feel devalued. The book makes you understand how to empower your girls and how to make them feel good and confident about themselves.

9. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and How to Listen So Kids Will Talk

Best Parenting Book
This book is a gem and every parent should have this as well. This best-selling parenting book teaches the parents the art of talking and listening. As a parent, you should be able to listen when your kid is trying to tell you something and you should also learn how to talk so they would listen to you as well.
This book would help you to cope with your child’s negative feelings such as anger, frustration, and disappointment. And you would also learn how you can express your strong feelings without being hurtful. This would encourage healthy communication and a healthy relationship with your child. Your child would of talk to you when you can listen to them and make them listen to you by choosing the right words and be patient.

10. Oh Crap! Potty Training By Jamie Glowacki

Parenting Book
One of the things that every parent has to go through is potty training and it is one of the most crucial steps too. This book presents a no-nonsense approach and gives you the right information and strategies to how to cope up with this. The book contains everything that a modern parent needs to know about it and how to succeed in potty training as well. So if you a new parent or even expecting your first child, then this book should be helpful for you.
The book has helped thousands of parents and their children to say goodbye to the diapers and make their children aware of the bathroom rules as well. So if this is something you need, then you should purchase it right away.

11. Live Love Now By Rachel Macy Stafford

Parenting Books
Live Love Now is another one of the must-have parenting books that would help you raid your kid right and be a better parent as well. The book features strategies and techniques that would help you to raise a kid that knows how to live and love. A lot of kids are facing challenges to be compassionate and show kindness and humanness and it is the duty of the parent that they raise their kid to be compassionate and empath.
The book features many things that children face today and also helps you to make them deal with these challenges. This book has been an all-time favorite by the parents and you must read it as well.


So these are some of the best parenting books that you could find. The books that we have mentioned here are highly recommended by the parenting experts and some therapists as well. We have covered several books here so we know that you could find the one for yourself as well.
That would be all for now and we hope that you can find the best parenting book from our list. We hope our article was helpful for you, so keep coming for more such articles. Thank you.

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